about us
Who we are
We are a team of experienced astrologers and astrology enthusiasts. We have been working with horoscopes since 2006, and we have extensive and vast experience in reading destinies based on the positions of the sun, moon, and other celestial objects at the time of people's birth. Our passion for understanding people's fortunes has led to creating this service.
Our purpose and goal
We want to give the ability to interpretive the influence of stars on our lives to make someone's life better and successful. Find out when you should start a love relationship or when you should ask for a promotion. We strive for high-quality and accurate astrology readings, and appreciate the feedback we get from you!
Our team
We are a team of experienced astrologers and astrology enthusiasts. We have been working with horoscopes since 2006, and we have extensive and vast experience in reading destinies based on the positions of the sun, moon, and other celestial objects at the time of people's birth. Our passion for understanding people's fortunes has led to creating this service.
Eva, a professional astrologer, maintains the myastroclub.com website. She has been doing astrology consultations and preparing individual astrological reports since 2006.
Lisa is not entirely sure how long she's been doing this or how she started. It's been a long road from crayon to keyboard, from constant researching to daily astrology consultations.
Margot has been a working astrologer for over a decade. Combining this with her degrees in History and Sociology, she's a veritable encyclopedia of human behavior.
Milo & Gabin
They are working with our websites and assisting with customer care.